Intersectional Gender Analysis: Promo Video Transcript
Posted May 29, 2022
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LINDSEY: Njeri, welcome! It's nice to see you today. So tell me about your course, intersectional gender based analysis. Who should come to this course?
NJERI: I think when looking at it and what it can deliver: any development practitioner, whether you are working for a CSO, INGO, foundation, a project officers…policy workers in government …. Anybody who has intentionality to do any progressive work around development and humanitarian aid is the most ideal person to be in this course and not miss it.
LINDSEY: Awesome. That's great. So what makes your course different? What is different about this course compared to other courses out there about gender analysis or GESI analysis?
NJERI: I've been in the development space for almost now 15 years. And as a gender trainer and a practitioner myself, I've been trying to do a quick scan of, where can I tap into a training our network our platform I can get training around how do agenda analysis where you not only apply a gender lens, but also complement that with an intersectionality lens and more specifically for advocacy work… and more so to interact with institutional development, and that is what this course brings. It helps you harness the power to apply skills to not only do a gender analysis, and therefore develop a very comprehensive gender strategy, as well as a gender strategy that applies at intersectionality lens but also to help you understand: what are the gaps within an institution that are related to gender equality and social inclusion, that then comes to be a precondition for the success of the program that is [either] lobby and advocacy driven, or just purely humanitarian aid driven.
LINDSEY: So [what do you mean] when you say so when you say advocacy? So for example, say it’s a project that's like, you know like, working in food security trying to connect farmers to markets and increase productivity. How does your training relate to that type of project?
NJERI: I think we need to broaden our scope in terms of our social impact, and our social impact meaning what? [It means] that in most cases, what we do is really delve into issues like micro level. What do I mean by micro level? I mean at household level or individual level, but then we need to stock up this impact and go to the next [mezzo] level where we are looking at community institutions, those within those community, what power it has within that community, and national or regional level lawmakers. So this course tends to [look at] … all this from micro level to mezzo level and macro level. At the macro level - we’re even looking at global campaigns, we are looking at a global policies that influence or have an influence.
In coming back to the case study or case example that you've given about food security: to have an influence on food security items all the way to household level. For example, when we are talking about greening the economy are saying that we are going to ensure that all export product crops have to be organically produced, what are we really meaning at household level or at the community to add these agricultural productivity really happens. We are now also saying that these course helps to dissect all these issues and really bring on board a decoding of issues from where the decision is being made to and is being influenced and therefore, coming up, and then allowing ourselves to get skills, knowledge that we can apply to analyze, but also develop strategies that are for development by all and for all.
LINDSEY: So, this is, this is really systems level change, change right like getting at it at all along the system. Systemic change. Okay, great. Anything else you want to say Njeri to folks who might be on the fence about whether they should sign up for this course?
NJERI: You need to sign up, you need to sign up. Don't miss the train this this is a train that you want to be on to, and you know not only be a passenger in the train…. that's where we need to get to be because change starts with me change starts with you, and the change is for all of us. So you need to be on [the train] sign on register now now
LINDSEY: Awesome I agree, yes register so there will be there should be a link on the screen, directing you to where to register for Intersectional Gender Analysis Plus: A step by step process to facilitating social justice gender transformation and institutional social change.
Thank you so much Njeri. Is there anything else you want to say?
NJERI: No, thank you so much Lindsey I think that I’d like to appreciate the [Cynara Gender Training ]platform because it allows us, the practitioners, to come together and deliver what is always locked in here [in our minds] to getting it out there and enabling people to understand all this gender language into a very simplistic way of not only understanding but also by doing gender: walking the talk.
LINDSEY: Yes, absolutely. all right thank you so much. Bye everyone.